10 poezii in limba engleza pentru Ziua Mamei

10 poezii in limba engleza pentru Ziua Mamei

Alina Nedelcu - Redactor Senior

Orice mamica este incantata si emotionata deopotriva atunci cand puiul ei ii spune poezioare de 8 Martie. Daca acestea sunt scrise in limba engleza, cu siguranta ca mamicile vor fi si mai bucuroase. Iata de ce, fie ca esti educatoare, fie ca esti profesoara de engleza pentru "pitici", poti alege cateva poezioare, care nu numai ca sunt usor de retinut, dar vor contribui si la imbogatirea vocabularului.

I'm going to bake a cake

I'm going to bake a cake.
With all my love inside.
It's something that I can't hide.

I will not be ashamed
For on that cake
are some words that are framed:
"Happy Mother's Day!"




Your mother does so many things.
She makes sure you are fed,
She always takes good care of you
And tucks you in the bed!
Mom gives you lots of kisses
"I love you" she will say.
To thank your mom for all she does
Say "Happy Mother's Day!"



Your are my friend

Mom, to me, you are a friend so dear,
Throughout my life, you have always been near.
I promise you we will be best friends forever,
Because you are my sweetest mother.




Mom is such
A special Word
The loveliest
I've ever heard.
A toast to you,
Above all the rest.
Mom, you're so special,
You are simply The Best!


You are so special and so kind,
You will always be on my mind.
Words are not enough to express my love for you,
You have always been with me, and that is why I love you.
Happy Mother's day!



Mother's Day Poem

Every mouse and bumble bee,
Every bird up in a tree,
Every caterpillar and ladybug
Loves to feel his mother's hug.
Every bear so fat and funny
Loves his mother more than honey.
Just as woodland creatures do,
Mother, that's how I love you!

Mother's poem

A Mother is like a flower
On a sunny summer day.
You'd pick her in a minute
If you could have your way.
A Mother is like the sunshine;
She warms your heart each day
And makes you feel like smiling.
It's just her special way."



Only One Mother

Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together,
Hundreds of birds that go singing by,
Hundreds of lambs in the sunny weather.

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the world wide over.




Mom is such
A special word
The loveliest
I've ever heard.
A toast to you
Above all the rest
Mom, you're so special
You are simply the best.

My Mummy

You who rocks me when I cry,
You who eases my mind when I'm scared,
You who teaches me how to read and write,
Today is your day and I want to tell you
how much I love you!
Thank you, mummy, to love me so much !




Articolul urmator
Urare de mâț
Urare de mâț

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